Thursday, February 19, 2009

so I've decided to include an "ad-free" badge...

Although any badge displayed within this site is not an advertisement (which means abstractLatte receives NO compensation from the organization), they may not always be perceived that way. That is why I've been reluctant to include an "ad-free" badge because of the potential confusion it might create. However, I've moved passed my concerns and decided to display it with pride.

Why are the other badges not advertisements? Besides receiving no compensation for their display, the people/organizations that the badges promote are endeavors that I believe can improve the quality of a person's life; maybe those improvements are nothing more than the ability to brighten a person's day or maybe the insight allows someone to have an impact on a positive public effort. The point is, the effort promoted is positive and can have a meaningful impact on life.

Why am I clarifying this after I already posted an article about the "ad-free" endeavor? Because it's important that we, baristas of abstractLatte and our readers, are on the same page. It's important that the work, effort, resources, inspiration, interaction, and creativity that have been developed over the last three years are not compromised because of an incorrect perception. If there's a possibility that credibility is on the line, however minimal that possibility may be, then it's important to provide clarification.

Having said that, we invite you to provide your opinions on the ad-free endeavor through comments to this article. An ongoing dialogue about the impact that advertising can have on the general public is a healthy way to ensure our lives remain focused on what's most important.

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